What To Know About the Delta Variant
COVID-19 is becoming one of the most alarming epidemics seen in recent decades. This Delta variant led to a rapid increase in cases during the last month in more than 10 countries, including the US.
There are certain coronavirus mutations and variants spreading across the world. Some of them are more contagious or deadly than the original strain. Viruses continuously evolve and adapt, continually mutating new strains of already existing viruses to keep up with the ones that think they are better.
The CDC and WHO keep an eye on these variations because they want to know if they're a symptom of COVID-19 transmission. They also want to know whether current vaccines can protect you.
To date, the U.S. has characterized the coronavirus variants as ones that are “not of high consequence” in terms of public health risk, but there are those that have been classified as ones that require closer monitoring.
What is the Delta variant?
The CDC recently updated their information about the Delta variant of the H1N1 virus. It is referred to as B.1.617.2 and has changes that aid in its spreading through human cells more easily than other strains of H1N1
The Influenza virus is the most prevalent strain in the United States. This may be because of increased food supplies due to improved transportation
According to researchers, the Delta variant of a virus is about 50% more contagious than the Alpha variant that was first found in the UK.
Alpha was more contagious than the original coronavirus first identified in China, which had a 50% increase in incubation periods compared to the original alpha strain.
Delta can spread to more people than the original strain, so it's important to use standard precautions such as wearing protective gloves and using hand sanitizer.
Delta variant may escape protection from vaccines and COVID-19, though studies are still ongoing.
What is the Delta Plus variant?
A strain of the common flu virus considered a "subvariant" by CBS News has evolved to be more adapted to attack cells in the lungs, potentially escaping vaccines. The Delta Plus variant, or AY.1, has an extra mutation and can transmit easier than before.
Delta-virus is always a cause of concern. It has been found in other countries like the United States, U.K., and many others. India has labelled it as a variant of concern, but experts have said that it's not an immediate risk to global populations at this time
Where did the Delta variant come from?
In December 2020, an Indian hospital identified a new strain of the dengue virus, which was quickly reported in 104 countries.
What are the symptoms of the Delta variant?
Patients appear to be getting sicker quicker with Delta COVID-19 than with the original strain of the virus. In particular, this is true for younger patients. A recent study found that the Delta variant grows quickly in coughs and to much greater levels after inhalation.
Those who are vaccinated typically have very mild symptoms, like a common cold, unless they contract the Delta variant. Unlike other people who get it, their symptoms are different from that of other people as well. Symptoms include coughing, fever and headaches along with a significant loss of smell.
Common symptoms can appear 2-14 days after being exposed to a virus. You may have COVID-19 if you have:
Fever or chills
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
Loss of taste or smell
Congestion or runny nose
Sore throat
Nausea or vomiting
Compared to other strains, the delta variant is significantly more contagious.
According to scientists at Yale Medicine, the delta variant is 50% more contagious than the alpha variant, which originated in the United Kingdom and is the most common strain of the virus seen in Illinois.
The alpha variant is 50% more contagious than the original strain of COVID-19. Which means the possibility of an individual contracting COVID-19 is greater when they are COVID-positive.
A study published June 14 in The Lancet examined the impact of the delta variant in Scotland, where it had become dominant due to sustained transmission. An interesting study showed that people infected with the delta variant of COVID-19 had a higher risk of having to be hospitalized than people who were infected with the alpha variant.
Is the Delta variant more fatal?
Scientists are still tracking the data to determine how deadly it is. Based on hospitalizations in the U.K., the Delta variant does seem to be more likely to lead to hospitalization and death, particularly among unvaccinated people, according to a recent study by the British health ministry.
What does the Delta variant mean for the unvaccinated?
Low rates of vaccination are the reason for COVID-19 outbreaks - especially in areas where the levels of vaccinations are low. This is especially true in states such as Missouri and Arkansas.
Children and adults who aren’t vaccinated may also be at risk of becoming infected with Delta. In the U.K, unvaccinated individuals under age 50 were 2.5 times as likely to contract the disease.
How will the Delta variant affect the vaccinated?
Scientists are looking at how the Delta variant can cause breakthrough cases, or infections among people who are fully vaccinated. So far, they seem to be rare.
Preliminary research by Public Health England showed that the two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine appear to be 88% effective against disease and 96% effective against hospitalization. People with the Delta variant are also most protected.
AstraZeneca's vaccine produced an overall 60% reduction in the disease rate and a 93% decrease in hospitalizations.
Johnson & Johnson has reported a surprising level of efficacy from its one-shot vaccine against the Delta variant, which research estimates to be similar to that of AstraZeneca's results.
A monthly study published on July 19th found that the protection seemed to lapse over time. It's possible that people who've gotten the J&J shot need a booster, though more research would be needed
What is the Epsilon variant?
The Epsilon variant, also known as B.1.427/B.1.429, was first identified in Southern California. A recent study published in Science has found that COVID-19 treatments and vaccines aren't as effective as they used to be for some people due to a specific type of mutation within the spike protein. This may have come to light after seeing the results of Lab studies.
Epsilon has about 22% higher transmission, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The company was downgraded from a “variant of concern” to a “variant of interest” on June 29 due to a decrease in cases across the U.S. & evidence that vaccines are effective.
The best protection against Delta is vaccinations.
The thing that you can do to stay protected from Delta is getting vaccinated, the doctors say. At this point, that means if you get a two-dose vaccine like Pfizer or Moderna, for example, you must get both shots and then wait the recommended two-week period for those shots to take full effect. CDC prevention guidelines exist for people whether or not they are vaccinated. It’s important to follow them to avoid the disease.
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