IV Infusion Therapy in Pittsburgh

SCP Services
Superior Compounding Pharmacy infusion therapy services in Pittsburgh, PA help lower costs and improve safetyfor complex medical conditions, high-cost medications requiring close oversight and patient support.
Our infusion therapy program includes a pharmacy home infusion care team to review medications therapy goals and individual patient care plans. The clinical care team of provides patient education and training, and are available 24/7 to monitor infusion care and follow-up.
To learn more about our infusion therapy programs, download our information brochure by clicking here .
Specialty Infusion Therapy
Superior Specialty Infusion Therapy in Pittsburgh, PA is offering a new service: specialty infusion therapiesfor patients with chronic diseases or conditions. Infusion therapy is a treatment in which medication is administered intravenously instead of orally (e.g., tablets). The unique practice at Superior Infusion Center is to deliver infusions that are similar to oncology drugs, as they have a high degree of similarity in specification and side effects.
Why choose Superior for infusion therapy?
Patients may have to go to a hospital for infusion therapy, which can prove costly and inconvenience. Superior Infusion Centeroffers high quality treatments from a conveniently located Pittsburgh, PA location. Patients can receive this care at a low price without having to go through the stress of travel.
Superior Infusion offers infusion therapy for many conditions, including but not limited to:
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Asthma
- Bone Health
- Crohn’s Disease
- Graft Rejection
- Immune Diseases
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Psoriatic Arthritis Urticaria
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Urticaria
- Wegener’s Granulomatosis
This is not a complete list of conditions. If you have any questions about a condition not listed here that is treated with infusion therapy, please call 734-404-6065. Please note that we are unable to accept same-day infusions.
Infusion therapy need-to-know
- By a policy of Superior Infusion, all medications requested for your infusion therapy treatments will be supplied by us. Patients cannot have their own drugs at the clinic.
- With Superior Infusion providing infusions, you can be sure that management of your primary illness will be taken care of by the other physician.
- We ask that you pay the co-pay charge before receiving your infusion.
- Patients must have insurance.
- Patients can receive laboratory services on the same day as infusion.
- Early morning and late afternoon times are available.
- Texas Oncology would like patients to give them at least 72 hours notice if they are coming in for treatment.
Medications available for infusion therapy at Superior Infusion:
- Actemra (Tocilizumab)
- Benlysta (Belimumab)
- Entyvio (Vedolizumab)
- IVIG (Octagam only)
- Ocrevus (Ocrelizumab)
- Orencia (Abatacept)
- Reclast (Zoledronic Acid)
- Remicade (Infliximab)
- Rituxan (Rituximab)
- Simponi (Golimumab)
- Tysabri (natalizumab)
- Zometa (Zoledronic Acid)
This list is not comprehensive. If you have a question about a specific medication, please call 734-404-6065.
We Now Offer Nutritional Infusion Therapy
With the increase in wellness, the quest for healthy living has increased. People are spending more time looking for alternatives to traditional treatments like taking vitamin and mineral supplements orally.
Nutritional IV therapyis a specialized type of IV infusion given directly into the patients bloodstream. This allows the supplements to make their way into the body more quickly and effectively.
Our licensed pharmacists are certified to prepare Nutritional IV Therapies for your patients. Our commitment to safety and quality ensures that we stock only the highest quality standards of medication in our state-of-the-art sterile lab, located in Plymouth Michigan.
We also offer the traditional Myers’ cocktail, which consists of B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin C and calcium to glutathione, supplements with personalized nutrients for various reasons. Other pharmacy IV therapy solutions we offer:
Vitamin supplementation
Chelation and detoxification
Immune support
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
What are the Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy?
Vitamin therapy is an effective way to promote healthy living and it can also help with chronic diseases. It can increase energy, metabolism, and much more. The list goes on.
Research in the field of depression is continuing to offer new treatments. One such example is seasonal affect disorder, which can be relieved from treatments that aid weight loss.
Vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, and zinc can address post-surgical malnutrition (particularly where patients have had any type of gastric bypass).
Sodium edetate has been used intravenously to help detox heavy metals in athletes. L-carnitine, other nutrients, and other supplements are now being used by athletes to help decrease post-workout soreness & muscle fatigue.
Non-invasive, short-term IV therapy with deoxycholic acid: dissolves cardiac and carotid plaques & improves lipid profiles.
Magnesium prevents eclampsia and premature labor.
Note: Superior Compounding Pharmacy is a 503A compounding pharmacy, we produce custom IV Vitamin Therapy formulations for individual patients with a valid prescription.
We do not compound bulk, one-size- fits all formulations. At Superior Compounding Pharmacy, you’re getting comprehensive assurance and personalized care starting from the moment you contact us. Our team is committed to providing high-quality customer service that informs patients about their health status and makes sure their needs are met.
Contact usat 734-404-6065for a personalized quote and to speak to one of our team members.
Superior Compounding Pharmacy is accredited by the PCCA, HCHC, PCAB and more.